Terms of Use

Terms of use
By using this website, you agree to be bound by Crouzet terms of use set out below, as well as by the specific terms mentioned on certain pages of this website, as updated from time to time. If you do not agree to these terms, you should leave this website immediately.
Unless otherwise specified, this website, its content, and its domain name and urls:https://staging.crouzet.com are the sole property of:
Head office: 12 rue Jean Jullien-Davin
26902 Valence Cedex 9 – France
Tel:+33 4 75 44 88 44
Legal status or form: société par actions simplifiée
Capital stock: €29,110,000 (2004)
Founded on: 01/01/1993 – Crouzet (1921 – Crouzet)
Registered with Trade Registry of Romans under B 663 820 413
APE code: 312A
EU VAT code: FR 35 663 820 413

Director of edition:
Benoît Secher
12 rue Jean Jullien-Davin
26902 Valence

Web Host:
OVH SAS : http://www.ovh.com
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France

The purpose of this site is to provide general information about Crouzet.

Trademark and copyright information
The Crouzet brand and any registered trademarks of Crouzet referred to on this website are the sole property of Crouzet and its subsidiaries. They may not be used for any purpose without the prior written agreement of the owner. This website and its content are protected, within the meaning of the French intellectual property code (Code de la propriété intellectuelle français, referred to hereafter as “the Code”), under the laws of copyright covering texts, drawings and models, as well as by trademark law. You agree not to reproduce, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use as defined in the Code, all or part of this website or its content on any medium whatsoever without the prior written agreement of Crouzet. You also agree not to establish any hypertext links to this website or its content. Crouzet does not grant any right or licence for the personal and non-commercial use of the website or its content, except for a non-exclusive licence to consult it on an “as is” basis, at your own risk. All other rights are reserved.
For further information, contact the webmaster at the following address: webmaster@crouzet.com

Updating of information
Crouzet makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that this website is accessible at all times and that the information contained there-in is kept up to date. You may however be prevented from accessing the site or experience access problems due to technical difficulties or during maintenance work or upgrades.

Users should be aware that cookies may be installed automatically in their web browser when they visit this site. Cookies do not identify users but do store information about their browsing history on the website.

Avant-Première, Crouzet Automation, Shutterstock, Thinkstock.

Crazybirds for graphic interface creation, Daventure for UX design, Sutunam for website development and Crouzet for the integration.

Export Compliance
Should you have questions or concerns regarding Crouzet’s Trade Compliance please contact us.